Whether you’re just getting started growing your lawn or a veteran homeowner with wide expanses of green to maintain, crabgrass can be a significant irritant as the summer stretches on. While there are many strategies to deal with the invasive grass, we have one secret to crabgrass control: maintain a healthy lawn.
Crabgrass becomes particularly hard to root out in late July, as it starts setting seed midsummer. It should go without saying, but keeping your lawn mowed regularly enough to keep crabgrass from going to seed is vital to stop the spread of the pesky species. The good news? You can keep up with this as part of your normal lawn maintenance program.
It’s likely too late to remove crabgrass without the help of herbicides that target invasive grasses and broadleaf weeds. If your crabgrass problem isn’t one you’re willing to deal with until it dies with first frost, you’re going to need to take drastic measures.
The best way to deal with crabgrass is to prevent it from taking root, and nothing works better than healthy turf to outcompete invasive grasses. Even more good news: This will just make your lawn look better.
Start with maintaining a solid irrigation schedule. Turf that’s properly irrigated is healthy and often strong enough to keep crabgrass at bay. A regular fertilization schedule – once at early spring, once midsummer and once in early fall – keeps your turf healthy and growing quickly. For best results, use a 25-0-10 fertilizer, and make sure to water it in immediately after application.
The secret to crabgrass control is simple: Maintain your turf throughout the summer, and you’ll be set to keep crabgrass at bay. Long-term strategies for turf management are always better than resorting to herbicides, so commit to healthy turf today and squeeze out tomorrow’s crabgrass.