Are you the kind of person who needs sod? Are you the kind of person who needs sod and hates having to do math? Are you the kind of person who needs sod, hates math and can operate a web form? Great news! Bigfoot Turf has a Sod Calculator tailored to meet your very, very specific needs!
OK, you’ll still need to measure the size of your yard or playing field, but our Online Sod Calculator helps calculate your cost for your new turf. Because we know everyone’s needs are different, you’ll be able to select from your choice of yeti grass, thermal blue, deep fescue or PH-10, with options for installation and delivery.
We want to make selecting your sod as easily as possible. Whether you’re looking for classic Kentucky bluegrass with our blend of Colorado-tolerant species or require the salt tolerance that our blend of Kentucky bluegrass, creeping red fescue and perennial rye in our PH-10 blend.