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Keeping Holiday Decor from Damaging Your Lawn

It is always fun to decorate your home and lawn during the holidays. And with so many different options out there, it can be even more exciting to get your lawn decor set up. Whether you are lighting up your lawn or putting inflatable Santas in the yard, there are some things you should know about avoiding lawn damage. For those of you who are planning on decorating this holiday season, here are some tips for doing so without leaving your lawn damaged. 

Move heavy decor around, or keep it off the grass.

If you have a heavy piece of decor on the grass, be sure to move it about once a week as to not cause a dead spot. This might sound like a pain, but heavy lawn decor can keep your lawn from breathing, creating a dead spot in the spring. Moving things around will keep your grass alive. 

Put lights and other decorative displays on a timer.

Putting your lights and other decor is important to keep you and others from walking back and forth over your lawn. Too much foot traffic on your lawn in the winter can cause your lawn to die or grow back thinner in the spring. 

Make sure any cords or lights are not frayed or damaged.

The last thing you need during the holidays is an electrical fire on your lawn. In addition to checking that your lights work, be on the lookout for any damaged or frayed wires. Replace or repair anything that you might feel is unsafe.

Use external power cords of your outdoor decorations.

Some people may not be aware that there are extension cords that are not made to withstand moisture. Be sure that you get extension cords that are made for external use. 

Following these simple tips will help you avoid damaging your lawn with all your fun holiday decor. Here at Bigfoot Turf, we wish you the happiest of holidays!

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