Do you wonder what kind of grass you should select for your lawn? It’s not uncommon for homeowners to be unsure of what type of grass is best for their lawn because there are many variables to consider.
Here in Colorado, you’re most likely going to select a cool-season grass since we have long, cold winter seasons. However, every lawn has different requirements. Warm-season grasses aren’t unheard of in Colorado because they do tend to be lower maintenance. Their advantages of needing little water and more time between mowing make it an attractive option for many people, but there are good reasons why we don’t sell them as one of our selections. Firstly, most warm-season grasses are only green for half of the year, springing up around May and then going into dormancy around October. Warm-season grasses are also unsuitable in excessive shade and don’t handle high traffic levels very well. These types of grasses are traditionally used in southern regions where temperatures are a lot warmer (hence the category warm-season grass) which is why we only produce cool-season grasses here at Bigfoot Turf.
When identifying your lawn’s requirements, it’s important you ask yourself what the purpose of your lawn will be and what you should take into consideration. Are you trying to save water? Do you plan on playing on or using the grass often? Do you have pets? What kind of soil do you have? (sand, clay, loam) Is the soil salty? Will the grass be in sun or shade? Is your current grass prone to diseases or insects? There is no single perfect type of grass, but asking yourself these questions will help you determine which sod will best suit your needs.
For most homeowners and landscapers they usually select a Kentucky bluegrass. This is because it is a high quality, foot-friendly grass that thrives in our Colorado climate. Our blend of bluegrass, called Yeti™ Grass, is the majority of our sod that is sold every year. Although Kentucky bluegrass is a high maintenance variety of grass, our Yeti™ Grass is a superior Kentucky bluegrass that has been specially cultivated for the best performance possible. Made with four elite seed blends that are exclusively distributed to select sod farms, our Yeti™ Grass keeps an excellent color in the winter time and is extremely durable for heavy duty traffic, so there’s no need to skip any outdoor activities! It was created to withstand harsh conditions for playability. Along with some drought tolerant qualities (root zone can grow up to 6-10 inches after full establishment) it’s an ideal sod for many yards, parks and fields. Its aggressive rhizomes give it the ability to recuperate well for filling in bare spots (great for if you have pets) and can survive longer periods of dormancy than Tall Fescue. This turf is raised on 85% sand-based soil, making it easily adaptable following transplantation for any type of subsoil. The fine blade of bluegrass is easy on your mower and won’t shred the grass blade. Bluegrass does need attentive care because it is more susceptible to diseases and insects than other grasses along with its ability to buildup thatch easier. With the right management, this sod will be a healthy, lush lawn that will make your neighbors envious.
Highlighting Qualities:
- Great durability for high traffic
- Pet-friendly
- Long-lasting green color/cold tolerance
- Excellent recuperation
- Good in sun or shade
- Soft Texture
- Lowest cost
- Fast rooting
Keep in Mind:
- Requires more maintenance such as water, mowing, and fertilizing more frequently
- More susceptible to thatch, diseases and insects
Thermal Blue is a popular choice amongst homeowners as well because of its drought tolerance and bluegrass-like traits. This blend is a Texas-hybrid bluegrass, so it keeps essentially all of the same qualities of a Kentucky bluegrass with the exception that it can withstand heat better and establishes drought tolerance through deeper roots (12-18 inches after a couple years of establishment). This turf recovers easily from drought and is resistant to brown patches. While this turf still needs to be watered, like any other living plant, it utilizes its root system by reaching farther into the ground to locate water sources when shallow parts of the ground are dehydrated. This sod is an excellent upgrade from the traditional bluegrass that can handle considerable amounts sun and save on your water bill.
Highlighting Qualities:
- Drought tolerance/water-saving
- Great recuperation
- Pet-friendly
- Soft texture
- Durable for high traffic
- Darker green color than bluegrass
- Heat tolerance
Keep in Mind:
- Prefers sun to shade
- More susceptible to thatch, diseases and insects
- More frequent fertilizing and mowing
- Higher cost
Our Turf-Type Tall Fescue, similar to the Thermal Blue, has the capability to grow deep roots possessing drought tolerant qualities to save water. Its root system enables the grass to be ideal for shady areas. While many people are obviously interested in a grass that consumes less water, there can be some limitation to this. If your soil is heavy in clay or has high compaction then the roots may not physically be able to develop enough to their full potential and possibly not make a difference in water savings. That being said, the trick to getting a well performing drought tolerant grass is in the prep work done before the sod is laid. This grass has a courser blade than bluegrass but still has a great dark green color. Tall fescue has an exceptional wear tolerance; however is it is not a rhizomatous (pronounced rahy-zom-uh-tuh s) like bluegrass, meaning the roots do not spread so Tall Fescue is prone to bare patches. Inversely, it also makes thatch rare among Tall Fescue and generally has less disease and insect problems than bluegrass. If you are looking for a medium-high traffic sod that will help save water or have an area that doesn’t see as much sun, our Turf-Type Tall Fescue will do great. This is a perfect alternative for a low-maintenance sod for your yard.
Highlighting Qualities:
- Drought tolerance/water-saving
- Shade tolerance
- Less maintenance (fertilizing and mowing less frequently)
- Less likely to build up thatch
- More disease and insect resistant
- Durable for high traffic
Keep in Mind:
- Courser texture
- Shreds leaf blade after mowing easier/needs sharp mower blades
- Poor recuperation, bare patching can occur
- Lower compaction tolerance
- Higher cost
Our last variety of sod is a special blend that’s created exclusively for areas with salty soil, named pH-10. Places that have well water or a high pH have a hard time growing, so we’ve created a special blend of sod just for high salt content. This sod is a mixture of Kentucky bluegrass, Creeping Red Fescue and Perennial Rye Grass and has a tolerance for areas with a mid to upper pH. This is a fine bladed grass that has the look and feel of bluegrass with a dark green color. It has the same maintenance and durability of bluegrass and will perform in sun or shade.
Highlighting Qualities:
- Salty soil/water
- Good in sun or shade
- Soft texture
- Strong durability
- Good recuperation
Keep in Mind:
- Medium to high maintenance (mowing, watering, fertilizing)
- Higher cost
Hopefully, this will provide you with detailed information that can help you make your decision when selecting what type of sod is best for your new lawn. Give us a call or send us your contact information for a quote on your project.