Most homeowners think of a great lawn as a cosmetic addition to their home, or as a way to make your yard more enjoyable. While both of those are true, there are a lot more benefits of sod that many homeowners don’t take into account when they consider adding turf to their yard.
When compared to seeding a lawn, sod reduces the need to heavily irrigate during germination, and protects soil against wind erosion. Sod also gives homeowners an “instant lawn,” drastically cutting down wait times to have an enjoyable yard. It has many less tangible benefits:
- Increases Property Values: A landscaped yard adds up to 20 percent value to your home. Homebuyers seek homes that require few updates upon move-in, and a mature lawn gives children and pets a perfect place to romp.
- Reduces Temperature: A grass yard can cut cooling costs. During summer months, grass surfaces are 10-14 degrees cooler than nearby concrete surfaces. It’s also noticeably cooler than rock, wood or artificial turf.
- Improves Air Quality: Sod doesn’t just fight erosion when it’s installed: It filters dirt and dust from around your home, especially when compared to exposed dirt.
- Quiets Your Home: Have noisy neighbors or live by a busy street? Sod’s soft surfaces are a perfect natural sound dampener. A typical lawn reduces noise levels by 8-10 decibels. Human ears recognize a 10-decibel reduction in sound as half as loud.
- Oxygenates Your World: An average 2,500-square foot lawn releases enough oxygen each night to meet a family of four’s breathing needs. As part of that process, it converts carbon dioxide, helping fight climate change.
Installing sod doesn’t just make your home look nicer. You’re literally improving the air quality, filtering dust and noise and producing oxygen when you add sod to your yard. Call Big Foot Turf today at 800.632.7473 to start receiving all the benefits of sod.