Address: 22455 CR 49 • La Salle, CO 80645 Phone: 970-284-6000 Quick Estimate

Baseball and Softball Infield Lip Removal

What is an Infield Lip, and Why is a Lip Dangerous for Players?

If you’ve ever played or watched baseball or softball, you’re probably well aware of a common issue that plagues many players. It’s known as “the lip.” 

Excess soil collects around the arc where the turf outfield meets the infield dirt over time, warranting an infield lip removal. A field lip can be caused by several things such as improper care, dragging the field, and general use. If a lip occurs, it can cause improper drainage of the field, resulting in delays and a safety concern. For example, a batted ball that hits the lip may bounce unpredictably, potentially injuring athletes. 

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How Do You Know If an Infield Lip Is Unsafe?

To begin with, if you have a raised section at any turf/dirt transition, it will be evident to the human eye. A “hump” will be present. You can always feel it even if you can’t see it. Put your foot half on the dirt, half on the turf. If your foot is not level,  this means you will need an infield lip removal

Detecting a lip can be difficult to catch, watch an example of how an infield lip is detected below:

How to Prevent Your Field From Getting a Lip

Rake icon

Drag and Rake Carefully

Stay a foot away from the edge while dragging with any form of pull-behind drag. The movement of loose soil and conditioner is very fast, especially when it is dry. Develop a “touch” when hand raking to bring your conditioner right up to the edge, not over it or into the lawn.

Leaf Blower Icon

Blow or Sweep Dirt After Playing

Move loose material out of the grass and away from the edge.

Grass Icon

Edge Your Field

Infield edging aids in maintaining the “transition zone,” allowing you to work with a clean and precise line. If your lip doesn’t have a defined edge, it will build up in a short amount of time.

Infield Lip Removal Services 

If your field has developed an infield lip, you can seek professional help. We have a few options for removal: 

  • Blowing the infield lip out with high-pressure water 
  • Complete removal of the infield lip and surrounding sod 
  • Laser leveling the subgrade and reinstalling the sod to repair the infield lip

Do You Need Help Removing a Lip From Your Field?

Our team of experienced professionals can help you get your field back to top playing conditions. For more information, please contact us today! 

Quick Estimate

Quickly & easily estimate the cost of sod on your project - no matter the size.

  • (length x width of the area in feet)

*These prices are only an estimate and not final, for exact costs please place an order by calling our office at 970-284-6000. Taxes are not included in the estimate.